Sono pieno come …

The Italian expression pieno come un uovo has never convinced me. Surely, to describe how stuffed you are after an antipasto, pasta, smoked scamorza cheese, chicory sauteed in olive oil, garlic and red pepper, tiramisu and espresso, there must be something more appropriate than “I’m as full as an egg.” An egg? Since when is an egg the fullest thing imaginable?

Here is a tentative list of things fuller than an egg.
Sono pieno come…

  • Napoli
  • un’elefantessa incinta (A pregnant elephant)
  • il pranzo di natale (Christmas lunch)
  • Calcutta
  • un politico di bugie (a politician is of lies)
  • Kishke
  • il GRA alle 18.00 (the ring road at 6pm)

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4 pensieri su “Sono pieno come …

  1. Hi Bar,

    How are you? I stalked you through Marion’s blog, by the way. My big question, though, is whether that phrase predates Shakespeare: “Thy head is as full of quarrels as an egg is full of meat, and yet thy head hath been beaten as addle as an egg for quarreling” (Mercutio.) What a slam!

    Hope you are well.

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